Studio Maloni & Maloni - architecture and engeneering studio - Sport&Impianti
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Studio Maloni & Maloni

via Napione, 9 - 10123 Torino
p.zza Umberto I 34 - 64016 S.Egidio alla V.ta (TE)
(+39) 086 184 0341     (+39) 086 184 5210    
Contatct: arch. Giancarlo Maloni    


FC Torinese Training Centre in Torino

U.S.D. Caselle Calcio Training Center in Caselle Torinese (TO)

Maloni e Maloni Studio deals with urban, architectural and structural design in the public and private building sectors, with particular attention to structural design in seismic zones and the sports facility sector.
The organisational structure is made up of a multidisciplinary team of professionals operating in the Teramo and Turin offices to offer technical design, work management, accounting, safety and drafting of technical-economic feasibility projects for participation in funding tenders.
