via Russoli 6 - 20143 Milano
(+39) 02 584 9091    
(+39) 02 584 909 20    
Contact: arch. Giovanni Giacobone - arch. Giuseppe De Martino    
Il progetto firmato Sportium per il nuovo stadio di Milano
Il concept di Sportium per la nuova casa del Cagliari Calcio
Sportium, a company of Progetto CMR Group, is into the design of modern buildings and facilities for all sports: from playgrounds to swimming pools and from multipurpose buildings to stadiums.
The studio follows a multidisciplinary approach that starts with understanding their clients’ needs in order to create functional and sustainable venues, where modern spaces, technology and digitization come together to serve everyone: athletes, fans, event guests, residents of the neighbourhoods that host the facilities.
Attention to places, environment and inclusiveness are key pillars of Sportium’s daily work.