Sport System Srl - sports items and equipments - Sport&Impianti
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Sport System Srl

via del Lavoro, 2 - 31020 San Fior (TV)
(+39) 0438 401 247    
Contact: Simone Pradal    


Sport System - Sports Equipment

Combined Dividing Curtain by Sport System

Since 1979 Sport System has been designing, manufacturing, installing and marketing equipment and articles for gymnastics, athletics, individual and team sports in Italy and the rest of the world. The quality of the materials used, the design of the items produced, compliance with the safety standards and technical regulations of each individual sport, and the pre- and after-sales service guarantee maximum satisfaction of both the demands of the institutional customer and the needs of the much more demanding professional athlete.

Sport System’s wide offer also includes an articulated line of furniture and accessories destined for the various premises attached to the playing field such as changing rooms, infirmary, press or meeting rooms, stands and bleachers. The company thus offers its customers the possibility of furnishing any sports facility in its entirety.

Sport System has always specialised in the production of innovative basketball facilities homologated for international competitions. With over 40 years of practical and design experience, Sport System has been a partner of the FIBA “Equipment & Venue” study centre (formerly “Fiba Research & Study Centre”) since 1997 and an official supplier of the most prestigious Italian and foreign basketball teams. Sport System’s basketball facilities have already been used at many international events organised by FIBA, both in Italy and the rest of the world.

Recently, the offer has been expanded with the introduction of a line of space partitioning systems (also known as dividing curtains), both manual and motorised, which are increasingly in demand in order to guarantee the division of spaces and respect the distance between users of the same facility.
