Market Sectors


via Ferrara, 6 - 31030 Dosson di Casier (TV)
FLOORINGS: anti-trauma, synthetic
FENCES: balustrades and parapets
PLAYGROUNDS AND URBAN DESIGN: educational games, floorings
SAFETY PROTECTIONS: falling areas protections, playground protections, sports equipment protections, wall protections
vicolo Salvo D'Acquisto, 2/D - 24050 Grassobbio (BG)
ROOFINGS: glued lamellar wood
FLOORINGS: anti-trauma, decorative grass, synthetic
SPORTS EQUIPMENT: calisthenics - crossfit
PLAYGROUNDS AND URBAN DESIGN: games, inclusive games
Strada Parma, 35/a - 43013 Langhirano, fraz. Pilastro (PR)
ROOFINGS: geodetic
FLOORINGS: anti-trauma
SPORTS EQUIPMENT: calisthenics - crossfit, fitness - yoga
PLAYGROUNDS AND URBAN DESIGN: games, inclusive games, parks - gardens & green areas, urban design
via S. Raffaele, 1 - 20121 Milano
PLAYGROUNDS AND URBAN DESIGN: games, inclusive games, parks - gardens & green areas, urban design
via Nazionale, 280 - 33024 Forni di Sopra (UD)
ROOFINGS: glued lamellar wood
PLAYGROUNDS AND URBAN DESIGN: games, inclusive games, parks - gardens & green areas, signage, urban design
via Solferino, 2 - 15053 Castelnuovo Scrivia (AL)
via Fornaci, 27/B - 38062 Arco (TN)
SPORTS EQUIPMENT: sport climbing: modular walls
via Giulio Palermo, 3 - 80131 Napoli
ROOFINGS: geodetic, glued lamellar wood
FLOORINGS: synthetic, synthetic grass, wood
GRANDSTANDS AND SEATS: grandstands seats
FENCES: fences
via Pradella, 10 - 24021 Albino (BG)
FLOORINGS: anti-trauma
HEATING - CONDITIONING: photovoltaic systems
SAFETY PROTECTIONS: sports equipment protections, wall protections
via San Vincenzo, 21 - 36035 Marano Vicentino (VI)
FLOORINGS: decorative grass, irrigation – gutters – drainage, sub-bases, synthetic, synthetic grass
PLAYGROUNDS AND URBAN DESIGN: decorative grass floors, parks - gardens & green areas