In Italy, opportunities to design and build new public facilities for water and swimming have become increasingly rare in recent years…
Project for a new summer-winter swimming facility on Lake Lugano

In Italy, opportunities to design and build new public facilities for water and swimming have become increasingly rare in recent years. The reasons are now known to all operators in the sector: lack of adequate funds in the municipal budget, widespread use of the tools of the “public-private partnership” where they try to transfer all the contractual obligations of the organization of the service – of the management and design with implementation – to private subjects, with the result of projects that are often aimed more at the search for business than at the social value of sport, with project proposals “out of scale” not always sustainable, resulting in countless critical implementation.
The project published in these pages is to be considered, from this point of view, in contrast to the trend, for the characteristics with which the entire implementation process was developed as a result of public tender procedure, with the engineering of the new work, elaborated in a competent and complete way.
The designer architect Paolo Pettene with his staff of Studio SdiA, composed of technical engineers and architects who have specialized over time through the many designs on the same theme throughout Italy and abroad, wanted to propose the original study for the realization of a new model of water system, complex technologically, which is not only in line with protocols of energy efficiency, but also of economic sustainability adherent to the needs of management and users.
A reading derived from the ” demand pressure ” that in recent years has substantially changed the needs and practices of water, and that, under the pressure of new life models, has led to the transformation of structures from monofunctional to multifunctional.