To get to know better the reality of BSW, the German company that with the Regupol® brand is present in sports facilities all over the world, and that in recent years is also growing in Italy, we met Peter Breuer, the Director of Export
Interview to Peter brewer, BSW’s Director of Export

Q: Mr. Breuer, can you please introduce BSW briefly?
A: BSW was founded by the today’s owners grandfather, Karl Pöppel in 1954. BSW invented rebounded foam and started its business with manufacturing martial arts and all kinds of sports-mats and other elastic products for various industries. In 1968 the synthetic sports-flooring material Regupol® was invented. This product, made form high quality SBR rubber and Polyurethane compounds, soon conquered the world. It is being applied in millions of square meters of sports floors in indoor and outdoor applications for all kinds of athletics, ballgames and a variety of other sports- and leisure activities all over the world. Also the Regupol® product in various formulas is applied in the construction industry and counts today as one of the highest quality building components. Currently, Regupol is being sold in well over 100 countries worldwide. We are running subsidiaries in the USA, Australia, Dubai, China, the UK, Poland and Switzerland. We work with a multitude of agents and distributors in many other countries.
Q: How much does the sports sector account for the total turnover of BSW?
A: The product portfolio of BSW is enormous. Our products are being applied in hundreds of different applications. The sports-related quota of our total turnover is ca. 50%.
Q: Which are the main strong points of BSW products?
A: Clearly, the strongest features of all products that we manufacture are the manufacturing – accuracy, the high quality and longevity in comparison to other products on the market that are being used for similar applications. Due to our state-of-the-art manufacturing processes, our dedication towards the highest quality standards, combined with the qualification and the knowhow of our staff, our products reach quality standards that are second to none in all industries that we serve.
Q: You have been present in the Italian sports market for about 2 years in a direct way. Which are your views and expectations?
A: Well, for many years BSW has not actively been chasing the Italian sports surfacing market. In the late 1980’s and in the 1990’s we have been pretty active here and have also supplied some nice volumes of sports flooring. The market then was dominated by others and we had our plates full with activities in many other countries. I do believe that the Italian sports flooring market is very interesting though – that’s why we are back and we are doing our best to gain momentum again.
Q: The Regupol brand is well known and recognized by professionals, working in the sports field, as being of highest quality… which are the next product developments?
Our R & D division is constantly striving for new, better products for many applications. The sports industry is one of them. Currently we have several new ideas for track surfaces in a testing phase. I hope that we shall be able to release a new, very exciting track product on the FSB trade show in fall this year.