Architetto Paolo Pettene & Partners - architecture design - Sport&Impianti
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Architetto Paolo Pettene & Partners S.T.P. Srl

via Gorizia, 3 - 10046 Poirino (To) - Italy
(+39) 011 9430655    
Contact: arch. Manuela Castagno, arch. Luca villa    

Architetto Paolo Pettene & Partners deals with specialised design in sports, swimming, aquatic and wellness-spa facilities, technological and management consulting in a logic of professional global service for both public and private clients.

The technical-organisational structure is made up of architects, engineers, technical and administrative staff, and therefore the professional society Architetto Paolo Pettene & Partners has the integrated and multidisciplinary know-how for global architectural, structural and plant engineering design, management plans with implementation procedures, concessions, Project Financing and Feasibility Studies.
