
Re-reading Giorgio Squinzi’s motto on the wall of the auditorium dedicated to him, one year after his death, at the Milan headquarters in Assolombarda, made us think how suitable it is even in this moment of unprecedented uncertainty.

Also published in: Tsport 335
(ph. BG/Tsport)

The sentence was pronounced by Mapei’s patron in 2014 at the assembly of the Unione Parmense degli Industriali and attributed by him in turn to his friend, a great cyclist, Vittorio Adorni: “you must never stop pedalling”.

Said at a time of growth, the meaning was: not to rest on your laurels when you are doing well, but to continue to work and grow. Today, after the setback due to the anti-covid measures, and in a phase in which the willing resumption of activities is still burdened by uncertainty about the evolution of the pandemic, the meaning becomes: to continue to work looking ahead and preparing the ground for better times. Which will not be long in coming and which will reward those who have not given up.

The sports sector has been penalised by the limitations on the possibility of using the facilities, but one can read, in the pressure that the open structures are undergoing from the sportsmen and women and in the fibrillation around the longed-for opening to the public of stadiums and arenas, a generalised desire to return to invade without limits the grass, resin and parquet surfaces, the stands and the tribunes.

So we all work to prepare for tomorrow, which cannot be late, and we do so without ever ceasing to pedal.

This is demonstrated, in our small way, by the new edition of the Mappa dei Fornitori (in free gift to the subscribers attached to the issue 335 of Tsport), the Supplier’s Index which, as never before, gathers a very wide selection of companies active in the field of sports facilities, determined to be present on the market and to work for the quality of today’s and tomorrow’s venues.